Introduction to LTSpice

SPICE tools (Simulation Program for Integrated Circuit Engineering) such as LTSpice are designed to provide stable circuit simulations in order to validate designs prior to physical prototyping. This is incredibly useful when working with new analog designs as it enables you to quickly validate different circuits without having to spin a prototype or procure the […]

Markdown: Cheat sheet

Markdown was designed as a lightweight markup language that could be quickly converted to other formats (such as HTML). The advantage is that it’s simpler and quicker to get basic information formatted and shared. Below I’ve compiled a short cheat sheet. Headers # H1 ## H2 ##### H5 Horizontal Rule Three or more hyphens, asterisks, […]

Getting Xilinx ISE to Work on Windows 10

Unfortunately, Xilinx ISE does not officially support Windows 8 or newer and likely will not due to the shift from ISE to Vivado. Fortunately enough, there’s an easy fix to keep you up and running. The below steps were performed on Windows 10 x64. Open the following directory: C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\lib\nt64 Find and rename libPortability.dll to libPortability.dll.bak […]